Massage as a Present

Share the relax with the nearest

Spa-quality service


Buy a gift massage voucher

There are many blessings that come from being grateful for the good things we enjoy.


  • Treat your friend in the privacy of their own home or hotel
  • Qualified professional massage therapists with all necessary
  • Easy online bookings and redemption
  • Beautifully designed, print-ready massage gift certificate

Beautyrel Massage Gift Voucher


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Gift Voucher


Redeem Gift


60-Min Customized


Gift Voucher


Redeem Gift


120-Min Customized


Gift Voucher

Redeem Gift

90-Min Customized


Frequently Asked Questions

How will I feel after the massage therapy treatment?

Make yourself comfortable. If your therapist wants you to adjust your position, she or he will either move you or will ask you to move what is needed. Otherwise, change your position anytime to make yourself more comfortable…

What do I do during a massage therapy treatment?
Will the massage oils used make me break-out?
What should I expect during my first massage therapy visit in Beautyrel?
Where will my massage session take place?